Tuesday, April 23, 2013

How a Mailman's Principles can Teach Success

My wife had about three books lying on her nightstand for years. And I've been saying for years that I want to start reading again. I felt myself fall into intellectual rut. I felt the need to once again expand my mind and invest some time in personal growth.

Over the years, I got caught up in day to day living (going to practices, games, parent teacher meetings, church, work, etc.) that I forgot about me. Felt I had to put myself on the back burner for awhile. Now I have no excuses.

I finally got enough motivation to finally open one of her books after several months as I decided that reading a book a month would be my New Year's Resolution. Sad to say, I haven't been able to keep up with that goal that I set but I am reading regularly.

I'm glad that I started. Reading has reinvigorated my mind. The first book I read was written in 2004 by Mark Sanborn. The Fred Factor.  I'm almost 10 years behind in my reading but at least I'm good old stuff.

The Fred Factor is a book about a mailman in Denver, Colorado who loves his job and goes the extra mile to provide excellent customer service for his customers. Most people would see a job as a postal carrier as dull and boring but Fred makes the job interesting and sees the job as an opportunity to meet friends. Not only does he makes friends, Fred sees his job as an opportunity to make a difference in the people he serves.

What if most companies would operate their businesses like this? More companies would still be in business?

According to the Fred Factor, there are four principles that Fred the mailman provide excellent customer service and these principles can be used in businesses:
  • Principle 1: Everyone Makes a Difference - It doesn't matter how large or even how ineffective an organization is, an individual can still make a difference. 
  • Principle 2: Success is Built On Relationships - Relationship building is the most important objective because the quality of the relationship determines the quality of the product or service.
  • Principle 3: You must Continually Create Value for others, And It Doesn't Have to Cost a Penny - The most important skill of the twenty-first century is the ability to create value for customers without spending more money to do it. You can do this with imagination. The object is is to out think your competition rather than outspend them. 
  • Principle 4: You Can Reinvent Yourself Regularly - Bring originality to what you do. You can do this by reading or listening to books, audiotapes, watching videos and attending training sessions.
Which of these principle(s) can make a difference in your business and personal life? Interested to receive your feedback.

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